Look Ma, No Cuts!

Did you like our new video Look Ma, No Hands? We’re doing something special with this one: giving you access to the raw, uncut footage from each camera angle so you can choose whatever you like best! It’s a request we’ve gotten several times and with this new website we can finally do it 😊 Don’t get used to it though, it takes 3 times as long to make so… it’s more of a special treat!

Main Angle

Everybody’s favorite angle, the famous POV-style. Perfect to pretend it’s actually *you* peeing in my mouth! Notice how difficult it is for Bruce to cum on my face and film it at the same time… that’s why we cut to the side angle usually.

Sony a6400 camera with 10-18mm wide angle lens at f4. Mounted LED light panel and Movo VXR10 shotgun microphone

Side Angle

Older camera so the image quality isn’t as good, but the angle more than makes up for it. In a way it’s kinkier to see it all from further away, like someone spying on us from an open window. Plus Bruce won’t shut up about how good I look when I arch my back like that… 😁

Sony a6000 camera with Sigma 16mm lens at f1.8. Audio is taken from the Movo shotgun mic plugged into the a6400

Which one is your favorite angle? Do you like seeing the raw footage from each one?

As you can see there there are many reasons why we cut from one angle to the other – autofocus getting lost, camera shake, action more visible from one camera etc… Still if anybody’s interested in the behind the scenes of porn shoots I bet you’ll dig this post. If you did, give it a thumbs up and we’ll make more!

ps: Bonus points for anybody who tries to play both videos at the same time (synced) – it’s a whole new, almost 3D experience!


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Comments (7)

I liked them both, except I think the side shot of Bruce jerking off to give you the facial was a better angle for that one part. Kent

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A Member - 24 Mar 2021

I do wish I could see more of Bruce’s big Dick from the side angle rather than just a stream falling from out of view. I really enjoy looking at his veiny Dick while it blasts Morgan with hot nectar.

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A Member - 20 Feb 2021

Super cool to see both angles, makes me want to see a scene in front of a fitting room mirror, the three sided kind you’d fine at the department store. New scene idea?

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A Member - 20 Feb 2021

A video in a fitting room is a great idea and we’ve considered it! But I think it would be very difficult to set up a tripod to have two angles. Still, I’m gonna write it down because never know… 😉

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Bruce and Morgan - 20 Feb 2021

I like side angle. But both are great!

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A Member - 5 Feb 2021

Well personally speaking I prefer the side view, perhaps because I like watching even more than imagining participation. Never mind! This is an excellent idea, and I love the plaid skirt too, Morgan. Thank you.

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A Member - 25 Jan 2021

Thanks for sharing! I can totally understand that. Often when I watch porn with Bruce I wish the camera guy would just zoom out and film the scene around a little… it’s even hotter to see the context sometimes -M xx

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Bruce and Morgan - 25 Jan 2021

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