Girls on Porn: Watersports

Ever heard of Girls on Porn? It’s a podcast where Rachel and Laura explore different facets/fetishes of porn (one per episode: Vintage, Fisting, Pregnant etc), unhearting interesting facts and history for each. In the second half of the show they usually watch a couple of on-topic porn scenes and give their impressions, sharing a healthy amount of their personal sex life with us as they do so. It’s a good time!

Anyway… they just released an episode about Watersports where they review one of our videos: Romantic Bathroom Sex ! 💛

Of course when I say “just released” I really mean 4 years ago, back in October 2019 which is coincidentally when I wrote the first two paragraphs of this post. No time for edits, I live in the now. I hear you asking “Morgan, how could you let this blog post sit half-finished in your draft folder for so long?” Well… I don’t want to blame it all on Stardew Valley but it certainly didn’t help!

The Podcast

So these two gals are obviously not into piss play *at all* but they try their best to not kink-shame us pee enthusiasts while also giving their honest reaction to our video (a lot of gagging, apparently 😅). It’s a fine line, but I think they did it pretty well – they seemed to understand that the “dirty/perverse/taboo” nature of the act is a big part of the appeal, at least for us. Also bonus points for mentioning other pee sub-genres (wetting, desperation etc.) that are their own little worlds and very distinct from what we do here (urophagia).

You can listen to the podcast in its entirety below (skip to 21:15 for the part about us) or on Spotify, iTunes, Headgum, and Castbox

My Comments:
1:30 Our video is “the ethical one” so yeah, they’re talking about our clip here! Guess it was hard for them to watch.
6:45 OMG, if I had a nickel for every time someone sent me a variation of “drinking piss is horrible for your health/kidneys, you will die” I would be writing this from the helicopter deck of my yacht. It might not taste great but it is NOT bad for you as long as both you and your partner(s) are healthy!
10:50 I’m sure Rachel and Laura have realized by now that selfpiss means peeing on yourself, not peeing on someone else with the word “self” just thrown in there as a decoy
21:15 Btw was our old website, we’re here now –
24:30 Bruce wrote a blog post about that: Peeing with an Erection
25:10 It’s pretty funny to hear them give a blow by blow of all the things we did in the video 🤭
26:24 They noticed my eco-friendly toothbrush! 🌍
27:50 Yes I do – this blog right here! Bruce and I have always felt it was our mission to show that piss play can be a fun and positive thing, with no need for the shame that sometimes comes with it. We don’t choose our turn-ons, so why feel bad about them?
28:18 💛💛💛
29:00 They start describing the other pee video here, with Russians in front of a fire… anybody knows which clip it is? Would love to see it!

Romantic Bathroom Sex

This is the video of ours that they watched – Romantic Bathroom Sex, one of my favs! Members, pay special attention at 9:12, this is the moment that shocked them a bit because Bruce cums right as he is dunking my head in piss… I dunno, I thought it was hot 🤷‍♀️

This is just a short preview – Join Now to watch the full video

More Girls on Porn

If you liked Rachel and Laura’s take on our fetish be sure to subscribe to Girls on Porn, they have a new episode coming out almost every week! Who knows, maybe they’ll do another Golden Shower episode one day. A few places to follow them:, iTunes, Headgum, Spotify, Castbox, TuneIn, DigitalPodcast

– Morgan xx


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Comments (3)

For the clips at 29:00, i think they talk about this one

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16 Jun 2024

I started out being excited, even if it was four years ago! Never heard of this podcast. Honestly don’t know why these women do it. They go on and on about how icky pissplay is,. And then Bruce pushing your head into the basin and cumming is “worrying”? Doesn’t take much to alarm the hall monitors, I guess. 🙄

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23 Oct 2023

I know what you mean but hey, still nice to be featured in a mainstream sex podcast! Pee play is still a pretty taboo thing, it takes guts to describe a Bruce & Morgan video to a large audience 😊 Next time maybe we’ll get someone who really enjoys our fetish, to describe it in all its glory! 💦

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Bruce and Morgan - 26 Oct 2023

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