How I Got Into Golden Showers
Hi Bruce and Morgan! Can you tell me how your golden shower fetish started? The first time Bruce mentioned that he was into pee play was when we were just starting to date. I was quite naive sexually back then… I had never watched porn except with girlfriends as a teenager, never had anything other than […]
Do I Really Like to Drink Piss?
Does Morgan actually like drinking piss or is it really that she likes pleasing you, Bruce? a fan Yes, I do! That’s the short answer. The long answer is a little more nuanced. Let’s face it: piss is not delicious. It ranges from very diluted and pretty inoffensive taste-wise to very stinky and strong, even hard […]
Annette Schwarz, Piss Drinking Pioneer
Here we are, debuting a new series of blog posts we’ll call “Piss Drinking Pioneers”! We want to keep the blog going with new content and since you guys haven’t been sending us too many new questions lately (don’t be shy, get in touch!) we’ll be sharing some of our favorite pee-positive performers with you, starting […]
Piss Sucking
Sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like to be a man. Big appendage hanging between my legs, reaching plates from the top shelf like it’s nothing… Toilet too far away? I snap my fingers and my well-trained girlfriend magically appears, mouth ready to suck every drop of pee out of me! No […]
Most Deviant Thing
Can you describe the most sexually deviant thing you’ve done? a fan Well this place is pretty much a public diary of my sexual life, so you already know a lot of it! But… yeah, I do have a situation in mind that wasn’t filmed and stands out as extremely kinky even by our standards. […]
Downloads & Other News
Downloads for all! We’ve got some great news: we’ve loosening our restrictions around downloads! 🎉 The new rules are simpler, more flexible and offer twice as many monthly credits as before: Check out the recently updated downloads section of the FAQ for more details. And, as always, if you’re a long-time member and need more […]
Piss Olympics
My friends, I have a secret to share with you: Bruce and I don’t actually publish every single video we shoot 🤯 Far from it, in fact! Sometimes a technical problem ruins the footage (bad focus, flickering), or the concept we had in mind was too ambitious or more funny than hot… today I’d like […]
Graveyard Piss Drinking
Welcome to the second edition of Pissplay Approved, a series where I share the best pee clips we’ve found hiding in the dark corners of tube sites where few people dare to look! 👻 With Halloween right around the corner I can’t resist sharing these two clips of Kelly Stafford drinking piss in a cemetary. […]
How Much Pee Have I Drunk?
Morgan how much pee have you drunk so far? Have you been keeping track? Everybody I haven’t been keeping track, no… but the camera has! And after getting asked this question 2 trillion times over the past few years I figured it was about time I rolled up my sleeves and actually came up with […]
Busty Redhead
Time for another Pissplay Approved, where I share my favorite piss drinking clips from around the web. I confess – a big part of why I love this clip so much is that we hear the audio of an episode of Community in the background. One of my favorite shows ever! But it’s not just […]
Lana, Piss Drinking Pioneer
Barely 4 years after my last one and BAM- you already get a new Piss Drinking Pioneers! What can I say – I like to spoil you… So today, class, we’re going to talk about someone a little more undergound than the Annette, Zophia & Viktoria of the world. Lana came and went from porn […]
Bruce and I spend lots of time in the deep trenches of tube sites looking for new ideas and inspiration. This means we sometimes stumble on some hot or unique pee play clips from lesser-known creators, hidden gems that have so far just been sitting in our “favorites” folder, half-forgotten and lonely… Until today! Starting […]
Look Ma, No Cuts!
Did you like our new video Look Ma, No Hands? We’re doing something special with this one: giving you access to the raw, uncut footage from each camera angle so you can choose whatever you like best! It’s a request we’ve gotten several times and with this new website we can finally do it 😊 […]
Piss Drinking Debuts
Remember my Piss Drinking Pioneers series, about the pee-loving pornstars that have come before me and that I look up to? Well this is the same thing, but in reverse! I’m calling it Piss Drinking Debuts, and it’s about celebrating the next generation of young women who – thirsty for new experiences – are just […]
Is Degradation Enjoyable?
It's no secret that there are many people who get off on being degraded - myself included. But what is it about getting called a whore or being forced to lick piss from the floor that gets me all hot and bothered? Do I hate myself? Am I broken in some way?
How to Make Her Love Pee
Morgan, how can I get my partner to love piss as much as you do? Everybody I get this question all the time! Let me start by saying that of course you cannot force someone to like something – the best you can do is to gently introduce the concept of pee play like Bruce […]
Even More Pee! Deals, other sites etc.
We’re not the only game in town when it comes to piss porn, far from it! Sure, we bring our own flair to the genre – but variety is the spice of life, ain’t it? If you’re craving something different today why not check out one of the links below – chances are they’ll hook […]
Viktoria Goo, Piss Drinking Pioneer
Time for part 3 of our ever-popular series, Piss Drinking Pioneers! This week we are talking about the legend, the superstar, the piss queen herself… Viktoria Goo! I discovered Viktoria shortly after stumbling on Annette, right in the very early days of my golden shower explorations. To say that they both had a huge impact on […]
Viktoria Ad (Translated)
I think you know by now that I’m a big fan of some GGG movies & actresses (check out my Annette Schwarz & Viktoria Goo posts!) – yet I feel like the language barrier is preventing me from enjoying them even more. Case in point: the video below, which I guess is some kind of […]
Which Piss Skill to Practice?
I would love to look back at 2024 in a few years and think: “that’s the year where I finally learned to do X (or got really good at X)”. But, dear reader… what is X??? The way I see it, there are 4 possibilities: A) Drinking piss without closing my mouthPee goes in, mouth […]
Girls Licking Piss From The Floor
Welcome to our third masturbation assistant blog post! As a reminder this is a game I play with Bruce where I choose piss/degradation-related videos for him on tube sites and then jerk him off while he watches them. Hot stuff! Turns out social distancing is the perfect opportunity for this sort of game, and we have been […]
Piss Drinking 101: Intro to Toilethood
I made this little trailer / porn music video thingy for tube sites. Don’t let my humble tone fool you though, this took for-e-ver to make and I’m super proud of it! 🤟😝🤟 It’s from our first 30 videos or so, all those years ago (with a few newer vids thrown in to mess with […]
Top 10 Videos of 2022
With 2022 now firmly behind us it’s time to look back and think: which videos really pushed the Golden Shower genre to new heights last year? Which ones are we the most proud of? Bruce and I love every scene we put out like it’s our own kid, so choosing between them is no easy […]
Girls on Porn: Watersports
Ever heard of Girls on Porn? It’s a podcast where Rachel and Laura explore different facets/fetishes of porn (one per episode: Vintage, Fisting, Pregnant etc), unhearting interesting facts and history for each. In the second half of the show they usually watch a couple of on-topic porn scenes and give their impressions, sharing a healthy […]