Future Content + Women & Pee

Dear Morgan & Bruce, i recently discovered some of your videos on my boyfriends computer and now we’re both fans of you :). We are also very much into toilet games and BDSM in generell. I really love drinking pee :). Anyway, i just wanted to let you know that i think you’re such a sexy couple and i would love to see more of you. I especially love the more public stuff and maybe throw in some more regular sex once a while? Thank you for making these videos. I wish you all the best,


Hi Nina! I must say this is the coolest story of how someone discovered us so far… on your boyfriend’s computer, hahaha! Great that you’re so open-minded and weren’t freaked out by our kinky ways :)

It’s surprising to me that 90% of our fans seem to be male. Where are all our pee-loving sisters at? Is it just that women in general don’t watch as much porn as men? Or is it golden showers in particular that turn women off? All I know is that for me, pee games with Bruce are one of the most intimate and just pure FUN ways we can share with each other sexually. I sincerely hope our videos inspire more women to give this a try.

Anyway, about your suggestions – we couldn’t agree more! We LOVE doing public stuff, the risk of getting caught just adds so much to the thrill of getting peed on. Actually our next video was shot outdoor in a very public place (teaser coming in 2 days!) and we have A LOT more public content planned for the weeks ahead. Same for sex – we got a hugely positive response from our first 2 fucking videos (Blindfold Fuck and Fuck Doll), those will be part of the mix more and more in the future.

All the best to you too Nina – stay kinky!

– Morgan xx


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